05-12 16:16
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처음처럼 그리고 영원히


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2008. 7. 30. 23:35 OLD Until 2013/Only English

바로 밑의 추레한 고개숙인 남자는 ㅡㅡ; 접니다..
크흠..이건 쓴지 한 1년 정도 된것 같은

The reason is that I am so tired of having a dream. Since Monday, I had a dream every night; I cannot remember what I did in dream but I am sure that my brain wasn't sleep with my body at the same time. Thus I am tired mentally. I felt that I don't want to do anything today. However I still need to do something to keep my responsibility.

Why do I have dream every night? Some Koreans believe that if the water is passed under the bed, people can be suffered by something; I think that I need to dig the floor of my room to detect the water line. Joke~~!!!

I want to sleep...OTL.... Koreans are used to use "OTL." These three letters to describe frustration, because when person feels frustration, he/she falls on the ground and touch ground using hands and knees. The letter O symbolizes head of the person; the letter T symbolizes body and hand of person; the letter L symbolizes leg of person. If you are confused with my explanations, please compare picture with letters OTL.
posted by 처음처럼 그리고 영원히