05-03 13:39
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2008. 7. 30. 23:26 OLD Until 2013/Only English

화씨 9/11을 보고 감상문쓴거에용....ㅎㅎㅎ 이것도 2년전에 쓴거...ㅋㅋㅋ 역시 미수정 나중에 시간나면 수정할까?


Opening of Fahrenheit 9/11 is that it doesn't show any visual thing, but it has loud sound and scream of people. That sound is from terror of 9/11, Michael Moore's start from terror of 9/11 exactly. U.S.A attacked Afghanistan which is starving country for arresting of Osama Bin Laden also U.S.A attacked Iraq for establishing right democracy of Iraq and removing chemical weapon. Moore mixed all the news reel which are interview regarding superior governor of U.A.S, soldier who joined Iraq War and the bereaved family of Iraq War. Thus Moore use strong political documentary using those fact.

In Fahrenheit 9/11 also view of Moore's, Bush is so nice actor. His various facial expressions and acts made that he is actor who successfully followed Moore's scenario. His facial expression before T.V interview, enjoyed playing golf peacefully and finally his reaction of terror of 9/11 in the elementary school, anyone can laugh from those things, although it is not intention of Michael Moore. And He always has question about Gorge Bush’s thinking. This movie tries to provide that Bush is axis of evil.

The most effective point is cognition which is why did U.S.A attacked Iraq and victims of Iraq normal people and soldier who joined Iraq War, Michael Moore show people who lost not only their home but also getting injury of War in U.S.A and Iraq. He asked us that what is compensation of the Iraq War ultimately.

One of interest thing is that Michael Moore is a left intellectual and he considers present politics. He is behind Wesley Clark who is candidacy of President of U.S.A. And Wesley Clark was the one who gave final permit to Saudi Arabian to leave U.S.A. But Moore didn’t mention this in his movie.

Fahrenheit 9/11 has certain value of watching. 2 hours movie is more efficient than a long article for sending tragedy of war. But fully believing truth or nothing to believing truth in Fahrenheit 9/11 is not good. We still don’t know lots of things about terror of 9/11. 

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posted by 처음처럼 그리고 영원히